Please read and sign the following. This application is not valid unless signed and dated.
I have been assessed to say that this training is suitable and appropriate for my personal and academic goals.
I agree that:
- I have read and understood the above statement and accept its conditions
- I will be bound by the policies of the college as amended from time to time
- I consent to receiving information electronically from the college
I acknowledge that:
- The information supplied regarding my application is correct and complete
- The submission of incorrect or incomplete information may result in the withdrawal of any offer and/or cancellation of enrolment at any stage
- It is my responsibility to provide all relevant and required documentary evidence of my qualifications
I authorise the Australian Shiatsu College to:
- Obtain further information with respect to my Enrolment from other organisations and through ‘QualSearch’, provide information to government, educational, health and other relevant institutions, in the processing of, or in conjunction with my application