Diploma enrolment

Diploma Enrolment form


This application form must only be used by applicants who are:

  • Australian citizens
  • New Zealand citizens
  • Holders of a permanent residency visa

If you are not one of the above, please contact the college directly

Personal Details


Please provide the physical address (street number and name not post office box) where you usually reside rather than any temporary address at which you reside for training, work or other purposes before returning to your home. If you are from a rural area use the address from your state’s or territory’s ‘rural property addressing’ or ‘numbering’ system as your residential street address.

Contact Details

Emergency Contact

Please advise the office in writing immediately if you change your address or contact details via a Change of Personal Information form

USI Number

A Universal Student Identifier number is an Australian government initiative that was implemented in 2015. If you have undergone any study in that timeframe it is likely you already have a USI. It is issued once only, so if you don't recall it you can search for your USI here.

If you don't currently one, then click here to obtain a USI number.

Victorian Student Number

To be completed by all students aged up to 24 years:

Since 2009 in schools and since 2011 for vocational education and training (VET) organisations and Adult Community Education providers, a Victorian Student Number (VSN) has been allocated upon enrolment to each individual student aged up to 24 years.

Students should report their VSN on all subsequent enrolments at a Victorian school or training organisation. In particular, all students who are currently enrolled in either a VET provider or a Victorian school (including those already participating in a VET in schools program) should obtain their VSN from their current education or training organisation and report their VSN on this enrolment form.

Students who are enrolling for the first time since the VSN was introduced will get a new VSN.

Statistical Data

Language and cultural diversity

Statistical Data


Statistical Data


Statistical Data

Previous qualification achieved

A – AustralianE– Australian equivalent I – International
Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree
Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree
Diploma or Associate Diploma
Certificate IV or Advanced Certificate/ Technician
Certificate III or Trade Certificate
Certificate II
Certificate I
Certificates Other Than the Above

Statistical Data


If never employed go to Study Reason Questions

Statistical Data

Study reason

Privacy Consent Form

Due to changes in the Privacy Act we need to provide you with the opportunity to read the:

Australian Shiatsu College Privacy Policy

Enrolment Data Privacy Policy

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