Shiatsu Industry Needs Survey Shiatsu Industry Needs Survey 2023 What 3 aspects of personal growth are most important in the development of a shiatsu therapist? Humility Self Awareness Committed / passionate Humour Professional / Non-judgemental Other Self confidence Curiosity / Willingness to learn Compassion / empathy Trustworthiness Integrity Centredness / Groundedness MindfullnessPlease describe the other aspect of personal growthWhat are the 3 most important clinical skills a shiatsu therapist needs to have upon graduation? Cupping Observation of patterns and changes Qi sensitivity Zen shiatsu Oriental Medicine diagnostics Other Knowledge of Oriental Medicine theory Moxibustion Classical shiatsu Point selection Treatment planning Japanese Channel theory and five phases strategies Sotai Gua Sha Stretches Barefoot shiatsuPlease describe the other aspect of clinical skillWhat are the 3 most important professional skills a shiatsu therapist needs to have upon graduation? Good communication skills Time management / organisation Marketing skills Self reflection / management Research skills Professionalism Networking skills Business planning skills Healthy boundaries OtherPlease describe the other aspect of professional skillWhich business management elective do you view as most important to prepare a new graduate for clinical practice? Market the small business Monitor and manage small business operations Undertake small business planning Manage small business financesBased on your experience as a professional shiatsu therapist, which 3 electives would best prepare new graduates for practice? Address the needs of people with chronic disease Work with people with mental health issues Research and apply evidence to practice Work effectively in trauma informed care Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships Collaborate in professional practice Facilitate the empowerment of older people Facilitate the empowerment of people with disabilityWhy did you select these electives?From your experience as a student and time spent in professional practice, what aspect of learning was most influential on your current clinical practice (eg theory, hands-on skills, business knowledge, supervised practice, mentorship etc)?What topics/areas do you view as the most needed for the continuing professional development of graduated shiatsu practitioners?Years in professional practice 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31+What, in your view, is the biggest challenge for the Shiatsu profession currentlyWhat, in your view, is the biggest opportunity for the Shiatsu profession currentlyName (optional)Submit Form