Elements of Living

Venue: Australian Shiatsu College

Course duration: 9 weeks

Cost: $450

Find your Healthy Rhythm and Life Balance

This course is currently postponed – stay tuned for more details

Deepen your understanding of and connection to Health, Life and Nature.

Be more passionately engaged and productive in your Life and Purpose.

This 9-week course is explored and experienced as a Mini-Retreat each week with:

  • Chinese 5 Element theory to understand and support the vital organs
  • Qigong and Mindfulness practices to easily integrate into your day
  • Learning to Enhance the elements of everyday living breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking, movement
  • Food choices for improved health
  • the Elements and Elementals of Nature
  • Biodynamics to enhance the Home Garden
  • a Delicious 5 Element inspired Morning Tea each week.

This course is beneficial for everyone, of all ages, all experience levels and can be of particular benefit to those experiencing emotional, digestive, sleep or menstrual challenges.

Course dates:

  • Every Tuesday for 9 weeks starting on July 19th, 10:00am – 12:30 pm


  • $450 full
  • $395 concession
  • (incl. teaching, notes, meals, journal)

Your facilitator: Lisa is passionate in her work to inspire and educate individuals on their journey of self understanding, enhanced health and connection to Nature. A journey she is always on as well.  In 2018 Lisa developed the Elements of Living course in response to her qigong students and clinic clients wishing to journey further in their awareness and empowerment in creating good health. This course is a synthesis of exploration predominantly from Qigong, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anthroposophy, various awareness practices and personal life experience. Lisa’s formal studies include the Diploma of Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies, Certificate of Manaka Acupuncture Protocols, Certificate in Traditional Japanese Meridian Therapy and Qigong Instructor Certificate with Master Liu of the Australian College of TCM and Qigong.  Lisa has extended her formal learning in Sustainability and Horticulture to further develop her knowledge and skills working with nature, food production and food security.

See also: Self Healing Qi Gong Course

Enrol in Elements of Living