Shiatsu Stretches

Venue: Australian Shiatsu College
Upcoming Dates:

Course duration: 2 days

Cost: $495

Explore the integration of stretches into your Shiatsu routines.

Join us for a weekend course with Jenny Dorrington exploring how we can stretch the channels within our treatments to open up the free movement of Qi and Blood through the body.

During this series, you will learn how to integrate these stretches within your shiatsu treatment flow to further enhance your treatments.

This short course has a prerequisite of prior study in Zen Shiatsu and Barefoot Shiatsu with the college previously and is ideal for those who are seeking a refresher in stretches.

This series will be eligible for 12 CPD hours


All day workshop on Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th June

Location: The Living Centre


Course fees

Earlybird price
(payment in full by May 22nd)

Enrol in Shiatsu Stretches